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Well, Slytherin has Daphne... But then, Hufflepuff has Susan... Oh, but Ravenclaw has Parvati AND Cho... Hrm... Do we count Minerva as part of Gryffindor?

Eh, I guess I'll roll with Slytherin. Daphne is just so awesome.

The moment we get a backdoor rendition of Daphne's bedroom scene all bets are off, going thermonuclear when that happens. (Ginnys was SO GOOD)

Luna is nice too though, she needs some love. But still, Slytherin for life!


I'd also like the option to "turn the tables" on Daphne as well. Dom Daphne is awesome, but we should also get to put her in her place from time to time as well. XD

God yeah, breaking her would be insanely hot

Especially if Luna helped