Thank you for playing and for the feedback: we will be taking good care of the points you raised in future projects.
I appreciate your comment on level design, which was my responsibility. It is true that it may feel funneled until getting the second ability (Double Jump); after that the level design opens up with more branching paths and several routes to get to the following abilities.
Your sequence break was a possibility indeed planned in the level design. Not many players have found it. I am glad you explored the beginning of the map by using the teleport. Indeed, shooting that wood wall after getting the Roll ability triggers the ending. You can load your previous save and continue exploring.
In which sequence did you acquire the abilities ? Normal sequence is: Wall Jump, Double Jump, Dash Upgrade, Gun Upgrade, Roll.
I am glad to say that I designed the levels to include 2 sequence breaks to acquire the abilities in several different orders, and one sequence break allows to complete the game 100% in less than 18 minutes.