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Welcome [to] Keyboard Master. Unless we are the keyboard master; perhaps there is a comma there that my TTS simply is not reading.

I am sorry, these are just the sorts of things I can’t help but ponder after hearing the intro over and over and over. For a game that lasts just 10 seconds, that kind of wait time can get annoying quickly.

I am not sure what to say about this game. I suppose it does work? Not too much I can get excited about, however.

On the positive side, the use of the Nato Phonetic Alphabet means that all the letters are clearly understandable. B and d might sound similar on some voices, but bravo and delta certainly do not. People unfamiliar with that alphabet might have trouble at first, but it is easy enough to learn. Also, the game correctly respects that I am using a QWERTZ keyboard! Awesome!

Now for the negatives: there is a slight bit of lag between entering a letter and it being confirmed, then some more time until the next letter is announced. I may not have played far enough, but so far I have not noticed any increase in speeed in later levels, either. Over all the gameplay does not feel smooth, and when it expects me to have super fast reflexes (which I admittedly don’t), it better be fast, too!

I also managed to trigger a weird bug where the game kept registering ghost key presses. I alt+tabbed out of the window while the intro was going on to see if I could adjust the speech rate somehow, and when I returned, the game decided it had enough of my bullshit and would rather play itself. Which would be rude but forgiveable, if only it weren’t so bad at it.