I'm glad you liked it, especially the music, as I spent a while on that. I'm not sure why level 2 has those lag issues. It's kind of always been that way for reasons I've never figured out. The last level, though, being as big as it is, I knew about those issues, I just never tried to optimize the engine to fix them. I wasn't all that good at programming when I made this.
As for the difficulty, I don't think Jashin is all that much harder than the previous two bosses. There's actually a safe zone in his fight where you can get a lot of hits on him once you kill the tail, but I won't reveal more. Just know that with everything, there's usually a trick to do it easily if you look closely.
I don't intend to remake the other two games, since after finishing this I started focusing my game development efforts on original games. I do encourage you to check out the other games on my page, though. If you liked this one, you'll probably find that you'll like those, too. (I also just don't think there's much I can do with NG2 or NG3 that would actually improve the game, since I like those games a lot.)
Thanks for playing!