Oh hi Eric! I am glad to have another opportunity to tell you that your game sucks. :P
Nah, just kidding. This’s pretty fun! I haven’t been able to get too far because I aparently suck myself, but I might have better luck later on.
It’s quite buggy though. Canceling doesn’t work half the time, leaving menu options mislabeled. I even got stuck by accidentally selecting an already-dead monster when switching after its death, upon which I was unable to select anyone else despite canceling. I had a good party that time, too!
Also, why x and z? Even on querty keyboards where they’re close together, it’s not the most comfortable arrangement. Space works so much better when you need to tap a key all the time. And you do, because the game doesn’t register the first keypress quite often.
But over all, this is well done. The screen reader support works beautifully, the challenge is there but feels fair, and the music is good, if hella loud. Keep it up!