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(1 edit) (+1)

Nice job on updating so fast, I do quite like the game! The warning signs still appear for sharks even if they are too small to eat you though. They don't appear for the 'first attack' phase but for every subsequent pass they do.

Also, would it be possible to have a version of controls that doesn't use the mouse? I understand removing the additional 'down' input methods is a way to get rid of the 'faster descent' exploit, but I preferred being able to play entirely with four keys and not using the mouse.

Finally, a question: How many golden fish can you eat before belly size reaches its cap? When I manage to get more than 2 golden fish in a single run, it doesn't seem like the belly gets any bigger than it was after eating the 2nd golden fish.

I noticed the warning sign bug right after I published 😵‍💫. for controls, I will probably put in spacebar for the keyboard. No need for more than one key, this is a single button game :)

You can swim left, right and up currently with w, a and d keys

wow I forgot to remove that this is kinda embarrassing 


please leave in moving left and right, I love it.

I believe 4 gold fish gets you to max capacity. I think there are 4 different visual belly states, the first 2 are available without any gold fish :) I'll have to check when I can