Hey Salsadix! Thanks very much for the feedback. Your game was amazing and the community really loved it when it was shown on the Extra Credits post-jam Twitch stream - very cool!
For The Wizard's Departure, I definitely agree that some of our mechanics were introduced too late in the game and could have been more intuitive. The music was also a bit repetitive for a slower-paced puzzle game like this, so I'd probably have scrapped it if I had given it more consideration.
Glad you liked the sprites! Jeffcakes ended up working mainly on the art and some puzzle design, and I was really happy with the final art style that he ended up with. I'd love to add some character animations if we get to revisit the project later.
I really like your idea about the characters moving at different speeds (and giving both an overall speed boost), and I think you're right about the movement feeling a bit tedious when trying to keep the characters synced up.
We really appreciate you taking the time to play through the game and offer so much valuable feedback. Thanks again! :)