Lmao! Now that was an unexpected experience. This is top-tier usage of the Mini-style sprites and also my first Where's Waldo-like. You can take the project in so many different directions from here it's crazy, especially if you're willing to implement randomized and/or procedurally generated content.
It was an extremely short demo but it was enough to let your sense of humor come through; the gags and even the premise of the game itself had me grinning throughout its duration. Looking forward to experience more of the lore (kinda FromSoftware-like in its expository style, tbh). You'll probably make many changes to the cutscene system along the way, but for now, try pinging us when the scripted sequences are over -- maybe by turning the HUD off while they're playing and then back on when they're over.
Playthrough: ~10 minutes. Clicked everything on the functional maps and took a gander at the dummied ones.