It is an existing project, but i've barely done anything in it, mostly just making maps. i wanted to wait to do much of anything involving variables and what not to make sure i didn't use up any since i knew i wanted to get some plugins, and as i said the issue with the time changing to midnight after closing the relationship manager is in the map that came with the plugin bundle, which also copied over to my game lol I'm pretty positive i've already gone through and checked to make sure the variables weren't already being used. i might just make a new file, copy your stuff first THEN the few things i have to make sure there's no crossovers, though i'm pretty sure there are none. being dyslexic makes it difficult for me to go back and forth between existing things and see all the info correctly so might just be easier to start over in a coherent way. wish RPG maker allowed you to " save as " an make a new file from an existing one instead of having to make an entirely new one from scratch every time haha
and its no problem, i don't mind waiting a while if need be, you've got your own stuff to deal with