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Day 2

Past midnight, decided to push a bit more, allowing leaving maps from “the borders”, i.e. walking away instead of having to use an exit.

Next day, busy with family stuff, work, and not feeling well at all during the PM.

Some late night progress though, tweaked the title screen flow a bit, and the initial inventory, just to be able to send a first build to the audio guys so they could hear and get an idea of where we are going. Still not sure if we should just go with Jorge Fuentes amazing arrangements, or create our very own, inspired by them.

Added some messages to the gravestones, just for fun (derailed into investigating the Belmont lineage more than I should)

I also finished transcribing all the NPC texts so we can load them into the game eventually.

The biggest progress of the day, though, was adding random encounters with volatile (simple) procgen areas.