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A topic by Slashie created Mar 05, 2024 Views: 215 Replies: 7
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A sequel to my first 7DRL, CvRL - Play online at 

Gameplay video:

I will write more about the project itself when I have some time. It's a sequel to my first 7DRL, which I thought would be fitting as my 20th anniversary entry. It's also super ambitious (bad for scope!) recreating Simon's Quest as a roguelike.

Teaming up with two illustrators and two audio guys.

Day 1

I decided to start by focusing on data entry, not so much coding, so I compiled a LOT of data from Cv2: Simons Quest

Also had some fun creating maps using rexPaint, then exporting to TXT.

Finally it was time to have some code. I cloned spelunkyrl, removed the monochrome display, and loaded map data for Belmont Manor and Overworld. Then tweaked UI a bit.

I went to bed around 2am with this progress.

Next day, night time, I created Jova town with NPCs with dialogs

Added location images when entering it.

Day 2

Past midnight, decided to push a bit more, allowing leaving maps from “the borders”, i.e. walking away instead of having to use an exit.

Next day, busy with family stuff, work, and not feeling well at all during the PM.

Some late night progress though, tweaked the title screen flow a bit, and the initial inventory, just to be able to send a first build to the audio guys so they could hear and get an idea of where we are going. Still not sure if we should just go with Jorge Fuentes amazing arrangements, or create our very own, inspired by them.

Added some messages to the gravestones, just for fun (derailed into investigating the Belmont lineage more than I should)

I also finished transcribing all the NPC texts so we can load them into the game eventually.

The biggest progress of the day, though, was adding random encounters with volatile (simple) procgen areas.

Day 3

Was not very productive due to adulting, work, and general tiredness.

Continuing with my focus on data entry I organized the parameters for the procedural generators for all the “encounter” areas for the overworld regions, as well as an initial configuration of the generator for dungeons (mansions and caverns). Still a lot of tweaking to do on the latter mainly, but at least we have a first step for dungeons.

The game still doesn’t have a combat system of its own. I plan do address that tomorrow with Stoltverd.

Also looking for someone who can help fill the initial location with interesting data; looks like I’ll end up doing it myself, but it’s going to be fun.

Day 4

Added Camilla (Carmilla?) Cemetery area with image made by Vitor.

Onboarded slashwareknight stoltverd into the project, to devise a nice unique simple fun combat system, he worked on it today, we’ll review it tomorrow.

Decided to guide the development by the “game solution”, a sequence of things that need to be done to complete the game; following that, you can now buy things from merchants

You can also use items to unlock doors.

Also using QuietGecko’s overworld theme which is pretty fantastic.

The game is just too big. I doubt I’ll be able to complete it.

Day 5

Woke up 1am with something on my mind. The scope of the game needed to be reduced.

I decided we would include a single mansion, Berkeley. The game would cover all the way to the first relic of Dracula, and nothing more. This will allow us to not spread ourselves too thin, and focus on just two fun dungeons (Dabi’s path cavern as well)

Most of the little time I could invest today was design work, getting rid of all the content we won’t need, and redesigning the main questline.

I remade the overworld map with new boundaries and locations, including the broken west bridge, and the much more challenging South bridge, which is an overworld location with two exits, the player should be placed left or right of the bridge depending on what border he used to leave the bridge, and likewise should be placed depending on where he’s coming from.

Day 6

It’s Saturday so let’s get things done.

Added a location image for the Berkeley Manor; the artist (sirena) mentioned it’s a WIP but it looks awesome already to me.

Fixed procedural levels navigation flow so you can go back to previous level, created the Debi’s Path complex to be able to cross the Borgia mountains. Went to bed.

Next day I pushed forward with content and game completion: I added escort missions you need to do to gain gold and get things going; added maps for Veros, Aljiba, Castlevania Ruins, Yuba Lakeside, Ferryman’s cabin.

I completed the sequences required to complete the game, that is, provided combat works, speaking of which, jucarave joined the party to try and help with that. He already sent changes to migrate away from SpelunkyRLs puzzly combat system into something more traditional.

Day 7 - Too tried to write about it. There will be a devlog soon. I think this was a great success!