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Reached the 'end' with at least a few hours more stuff to play with. Really enjoying everything so far and planning to restart, now I have a bit more knowledge under my belt. I love the new base and the multiple new spooks and events. I did get the temporarily 'changed' sky a few days AFTER the 'end' notice though, not sure if that was a bug or not or just a WIP thing. The later events [40 days+] were amazing, despite the bugged one involving the pit, but even that was a tonne of fun and kept me on edge for what was going to happen next. I also enjoyed the 'wreck' and 'gib' events. Both were extremely unexpected and scared the hell out of me, as I only noticed they'd occurred after hearing the noises associated.

- A minor issue I had was the deer appearing in the same spot as a bush near the front base path, meaning I was running back and forward trying to find it for ten minutes. A simple thing, unless the deer spawn can be set to / excluded from certain areas [only on paths / not inside X/Y/Z etc].
- O-K got stuck when asked to patrol, when he walked out the door and got stuck just next to the mailbox, between the wall and the railing. I had to restart him to get him moving, then realised what had happened, after I fell through the floor and could see the bases interior brushwork. Didn't seem to happen again at all after that and I was able to jump out of the hole fine. O-K never fell through the floor, but his pathing seemed to get confused by it as he basically circled around in the one spot, trying to get to the stairs.
- Rarely, O-K would refuse to run reports, with no explanation or obvious issue. When this happened, it would leave me with the only option of 'turn off'. The paper he was holding will disappear and he will require another when reactivated.
- After accidentally choosing 'fix transformer' with none currently down, I have to restart O-K to get him moving again. Any equipped clothing will drop and has to be re-equipped which is a bit of a hassle.

Haven't had this much fun being scared since Condemned was released. Can't wait for more.