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and when I restart the game I still cant see any documents in this game both  before the radio or after radio

Yeah, I don't know man. Nobody reported this issue before. I don't think I can do anything about it, because I have no idea what the problem is. I've played this build at least 10 times since yesterday and I've had 0 issues whatsoever.

Maybe its only happen in your patch 7 version and ppl haven't got a chance to tested it much because it just released

Well of course that is possible. But I doubt it very much. There have been almost 800 downloads of this patch alone, and I've also just watched a video on youtube of someone playing. They're managed to get to the end. So I don't know, man..

Okay lol i guess im not gonna be playing this game anytime soon, this is the first game I ever have issue with on so idk either...


That's okay, no problem, my friend.

I mean I don't know what you want me to do exactly, but thank you for trying anyway.

God bless.