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A member registered Feb 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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Should be fixed in the latest version available for download (from mega), but thanks a lot for pointing it out, it really helps. God bless <3

Yeah it's a weird bug, that's why I removed the box completely in the latest version. Thanks for pointing it out though.

Hey man, sorry to hear that. What do you mean by "box with the head"? If you're talking about that small nightstand that you have to pick the lock of, it has been removed in the latest version of the demo, give that a try if you want.

Olá, meu amigo. Apenas a versão final da demo. O jogo não acabou, será lançado em setembro.

Hey. Yeah, no, I have no idea what's causing it. When I build the game, I specifically tick the option to include the required prerequisite installers as well. So I don't know.. You're one of like maybe 2 or 3 people that have had this issue, out of tens of thousands, so I have no idea. Sorry.

Thank you. Don't worry, I didn't take it in bad faith. I already implemented a "fix" where the shake stops completely while in the menu and then resumes when you put the tablet down. I just didn't upload it because I'm working on the full game and it has really swamped me.

There is already a "fix". You have a button in the settings to disable the camera shake. Did you look around even for a little bit?

No, I'm not sure since I will not be rushing it. But hopefully around september/october.

Of course, my friend, there will be many languages in the full game, including spanish and portuguese.

Thank you for the offer to help, I will likely take you up on that, since I mostly rely on google translate haha

Thanks so much for playing, brother, God bless <3

Happy to hear that, brother. Sorry you ran into that issue :/


Try going to  C:\Users\"your name"\AppData\Local and delete the FracturedMind folder there. See if that fixes it.

I'm really glad to hear that, man. I'm happy you enjoyed it.

Sorry for the bugs and stuff, I know that sucks... :/

Hope I can fix all of them. The fatal crashes are really weird though, there shouldn't be anything to cause them. But I guess that's just the risk you take when making games in Unreal haha. But the engine is amazing, so I guess it balances out.

Yeah the torso spawns after interacting with the TV. 

Hello. What fatal crashes have you encountered, exactly? Because that seems weird...

Also, nothing you've described is a bug. The bodyparts are meant to be placed by literally getting close to the body and placing them, no interaction is needed.

You are not able to open the menu or bring up the gun because that would bug it. You just need to place the bodypart and you're good.

Hope you give it another try, I'm sorry the experience was dissapointing to you!

God bless.

Hahaha, brother, are you in my fucking head or what's up? I am literally JUST watching his video now lmfao

Hey man. It is, actually, right at the top of the description :D

Hahaha, you're an awesome guy, brother. God bless!

That is really weird... does it give you any errors while trying to extract the file?

Welp... then there's nothing I can do, really. It seems the graphics card can't deal with Lumen, most likely. Other than that, I have no idea what's going on. This is the first time it's happened.

Alright, maybe try downloading it again from the site and extracting it. Delete the "Fractured Mind" folder in AppData Local first.

Reinstall? Did you install anything? It's just a winrar file that you need to extract and just run the .exe.

Did you use the itch.io app by any chance?

Try that one then

Hmm.. I'm pretty sure the video memory isn't enough. 

Go to: C:\Users\"your name"\AppData\Local\FracturedMind\Saved\Config\Windows and open Settings.ini

Change the following settings:

sg.ResolutionQuality=from 100 to something like 65 for start

sg.ViewDistanceQuality= from 3 to 1

sg.ShadowQuality= from 3 to 1

sg.TextureQuality= from 3 to 1

sg.EffectsQuality= from 3 to 1

sg.FoliageQuality= from 3 to 1

r.setres= from 1920x1080f to 1360x768f 

Give that a try. I'm not guaranteeing it will work, but it's worth a shot.

Damn.. well honestly I have no idea what it could be. What is your graphics card?

Hello. It seems like you don't have dx12 installed? Try updating your graphics driver, if you have Nvidia.

I have no idea why your menu is so blurry, it's weird. I've playing on 1080, 2k and 4k and never had this issue. 

There is an option in the gameplay tab to stop the camera shake, so if you want to change settings you can turn it off and the tablet will stop moving.

Honestly the DLSS should work, but it's not a guarantee. The Nvidia plugin for Unreal Engine is still very much in development so there's nothing I can do, unfortunately :/

The "LABEL" of the resolution scale is just a visual bug, you don't need to get back to label. The max is 100 and the minimum I recommend going is ~65.

Maybe I didn't understand, yeah, because it seems weird. I have even played on 1360x768 resolution and the text wasn't blurry. The only possible solution would've been the resolution scale.

If you want to change the ini file, go to C:\Users\"your name"\AppData\Local\FracturedMind and look around there.


The controller does indeed have partial support, I have mentioned that in the patch log. It all works except the menu. It would be really hard to do and potentially break my game. Sorry.

The ability to invert the mouse should be in the mouse tab of the options menu.

The text is blurry most likely because of the resolution scale. Try putting that on 100 and maybe check the resolution as well.

Hope that helps.

There's a mouse sensitivity option in the settings and I've increased it from 5 to 10 in the last patch. So if that issue is real, I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be from the game. 


There is nothing to install, my friend. It's just a .rar file that you need to extract. Don't use the itch.io app, download the file directly from the browser. 

Apparently a lot of people have problems with the itchio app.

God bless.

I'm really sorry about that, brother. It was because of a plugin I was using but I've fixed that. Have you downloaded the latest patch? There are quite a lot of changes.

I hope you give it another try.

God bless <3

Are you using the itchio app? If you are, download it from the site. The app has some issues, apparently.

Hi. When do the crashed occur? Do you get any error message? Because no crashes should occur.

Thanks for playing, man, I'm really happy you liked it <3

God bless.


I'm sorry to hear that. I thought I gave enough hints and instructions, but I guess I could improve upon that.

Hola hermano. Muchas gracias por jugar y espero que lo hayas disfrutado. Dios los bendiga.

Anything can be better, nothing is perfect. Thanks for playing.

That's really weird and I had no idea that could happen, but I'm glad you managed to fix it.