V 1.3.1
1 - Removed unnecessary BGM commands, patching audio bugs.
2 - Rebalanced the economy.
3 - Fixed unoptimized events, and removed ones that are not being used.
4 - Fixed typos, grammical issues, reworded sentences, and reformated some
text boxes.
5 - Overhauled the Rat enemy.
6 - Updated credits.
7 - Fixed the gameover screen.
8 - Rebalanced when specific skills are given to characters.
9 - Added new early-game-low-level-crowd-control-skill.
10 - Removed some player skills.
11 - Saria now starts with a Tech skill.
12 - Edited Terence's class.
13 - Guard is now more effective
14 - Rebalanced all enemies.
15 - When stunned, the victim will gain 60% stun resistance for 2 turns.
16 - Updated used plugins.
17 - Added Q-audio plugin for "3D audio".
18 - Added new music.
19 - Randomized the sword clanking in the intro and final battle.
20 - Fixed a loading error at the ending scene.
21 - Ryoma no longer gains Heal skills besides First Aid.
22 - Permanently Fixed possible bugs present/fixed in old versions.
23 - Updated the boot-up screen, and made it slightly faster.
24 - Updated the nw.js.
25 - Rebalanced the weapons and armor.
26 - Descriptions added to all items!
27 - Fixed a graphical bug in the first cave.
28 - Updated the games pixi.js.
29 - Changed what the preloader preloads.
30 - Capped the game to 60fps.
31 - Frazzled is more effective, degenerates MP and TP by 8%. Victim has 10% more chance of being Paralyzed and Unbalanced while Frazzled. Decreases Agility by 2%.
32 - Resorted skills.
33 - Reformated all skill descriptions.
34 - Readjusted characters starting items.
35 - Readjusted the Swift Dagger.
36 - Fixed the gameover screen.
37 - Added Yanfly's equip_core plugin.
38 - Made enemy attack sounds more accurate.
39 - Rebalanced all classes.
40 - Changed the kingdom-soldier-enemy graphic.
41 - added quit confirmation.
42 - added equipupgrade plugin.
43 - Recatogorized some skills.
44 - Added smoothscroll to the camera.
45 - Overhauled visual transitions.
46 - Overhauled audio transitions.
47 - Added simple map interactions.
48 - Edited some maps.
49 - Rebalanced skills.
50 - Adjusted menu/text box color-tint to better fit the games overall style.
51 - Changed how the pathfinding in the final battle works.
52 - And probably things I forgot to list.