Hey, I thought I might give some valuable feedback to game with low ratings like yours. I have no idea why you have 2 ratings and 4 comments (wihtout counting mine). Seems like somebody has forgot to press Save rating :D
First of all, good job for submitting something, even if it is just a prototype. You sat down, worked on your game and you had the courage to submit it even if it is not even close to being finished. Some people are afraid of their unfinished games and don't even upload them. But by doing so, others can give you feedback which could help you improve.
I will be honest, the graphics and animations are the only good part about your game/prototype. I really like your animations by the way. I think you put quite some work into making them look good. The rest has potential for improvement, but it is your first game and you can really be proud about it. Here are some things thay might help you improve your game:
- The jump feels a little weird because the gravity is too low. In games you typically go for a higher gravity to make a faster gameplay. Simply turn up the gravity scale on your character. You then should also pump up the jump force you are applying othewise your character will not jump very high :D Btw, you should also increase the jump height a little.
- I think you are using Input.GetKey() for checking the spacebar. Please use Input.GetKeyDown(). This will only return true if the key is pressed down instead of constantly returning true when the key is down. That's why your player is attacking like a helicopter :D
- Add a Physics Material 2D to your character with a friction and bounciness of 0. This should prevent your character from getting stuck on the side of platforms ;)
I hope my feedback helps you.