Here is another tip for the day. There's a lot of ways to earn money, but selling garbage works in two ways. You can use garbage bags to bag-up garbage piles around the base and the world, and this'll go for quite a bit of money if you bag-up a bunch. However, small pieces of garbage don't go for much, if any at all. You can, however, use these small bits of garbage to craft with. From metal scrap, plastic, paper, you can craft it all from your garbage.
As an example, you can get plastic scrap from a few empty water bottles. It goes beyond this, though. That gas you use for your ATV? When you run out of gas, two gas cans will make metal scrap, which is very valuable for crafting. You can use this metal scrap for crafting Omega Kerfur, or slots for the Frame, and even Coolers to upgrade said frame.
Don't go completely overboard with this, however. You'll craft more plastic scrap than you know what to do with, because -- as far as I'm aware -- there isn't much to craft in the game yet, and not much to do at all with plastic. You can craft a few for Omega Kerfur, but otherwise, just sell plastic and paper. it won't be worth much, but it's better than uselessly sitting at base. Unless somebody knows of another recipe with such things that I haven't been able to find.
Really useful stuff for early game. Buying and upgrading a frame is expensive and time consuming, but if you craft enough metal scrap early, you can at least skip the process of having to buying stuff to scrap for the slots, and get at least a cooler or two in with minimal money spent.