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A member registered Jan 21, 2024

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Well, no reason to doubt that it's coming. We can already see the patch notes in progress, so we know it's being worked on. Give it some time. It's possibly going to be another big update at this point, which is why it's taking a while.

I still frequent the board, in case anyone needs help or tips. I like helping people, so I stick around.  Doing pretty good. Though, I haven't played in a little while, I am still quite excited for the next update, whenever it comes out.

Hey, I try my best. I really like helping people and making them happy, so the more I can help, the better.

As long as the files are extracted and Itch knows the directory of the files, it should launch through Itch for everyone.

If it's not opening, you likely haven't unpacked it from the Zip file. That's what happened to me, anyway. I usually put all the files within a folder I named, and then after I launched in manually after that point, I could launch it through Itch.

To keep it straightforward, it's only a given couple devs working on the game, and the main dev only works on it when they feel like it.

I believe I've seen this as a common issue for those using more than one monitor. I don't think the game likes setups like those. If you can access your options, I suggest two things. First, try enabling Exclusive Fullscreen Mode. If that doesn't fix it, try the Regen data.sav option in the general settings.

Hm. Well, I hope you get things figured out. I always try to help out however I can.

I would assume Antivirus is at play. It is likely blocking the install. It's a common issue. I'd say you should start there and see if you can do a fresh download after you disable your antivirus temporarily.

In your general game settings, click Regen data.sav

You need to download 7-zip, and then extract the files within the folder wherever you wish. You can make a folder for the game itself, which is what I'd suggest.

If it makes you feel any better, you can eventually just get a minifridge and put it where you work. Same thing with a sleeping bag. You can eventually just live where you're working, so you can manage downtime more efficiently. If you ever need help with anything else, I'm always happy to help people.

I know this likely won't help if there's something that gets in its way, but if you hold shift before you grab something, and continue to hold shift, it'll activate a push/pull mode for more control. (Shift being whatever your sprint button is, so keep that in mind in case you changed it.)

Make sure your antivirus isn't blocking the game, as it can prevent the game from creating files if it detects false positives.

Go to your game settings, go to the Game tab, and then select Regenerate Save Data. Should fix it.

Perhaps I have misjudged. Perhaps all this time, they just seek our company?

A PDF? Could you provide more information on the type of file that's downloaded and where you download it from?

It all comes with time, but if you ever need help, I'm always willing to give more tips and whatnot.

No, they are not the visitors. Just merch you can sell for money. lol. Mannequins can't be friends.

Always happy to help.

That's when you have one of the experimental debugs enabled to show you how and when you are improving/degrading friendship with... One of your visitors. 

You need to purchase an item box from the general section of the store. The item box is something you can store things in and send off with the drone to sell the items inside.

Of course. I always like helping people out. There may be complications sometimes, but I always try my best at least.

Hmm. Yeah. I guess I should've tested it before and see if it worked. Sorry my idea couldn't help you.

There is a way to make it borderless. I forget the option name, but I believe it is along the lines of "disable borders." Something like that.

You're saying you don't see anything within the Zip folder you are downloading?

The sushi usually comes with a letter attached to the box. It's coworkers sending it to you. Just a minor event.

Hmm. Strange. It's difficult for me to figure out what's going on without seeing a step-by-step, but I think you kind of did already. I just don't think it's enough. I'll have to look into it more.

Earlier, you said it wasn't in a zip folder. Did you already extract it, or do you not own 7zip? If you don't, you need to install 7zip in order to download the game's content properly.

(1 edit)

Yeah, I thought that was it. It's a simple mistake others make too, but it's easily fixable. All you need to do is what the person below me said. You have to extract the contents from the Zip folder wherever you like. (I suggest making a folder for the game.) When you extract the contents, THEN you can launch the application and play the game.

Could you explain more in-depth what is happening?

Hmm. Strange. I would say maybe you're scrolling through the menu wrong? Could you show your process up until the point where it messes up?

Curious. You say you got the prompt for Omega, but it didn't work. What happened exactly? Did it make nothing, or did it make something else?

As far as I'm aware, they're only available in Sandbox mode.

What kind of GPU do you have?

Are you following a guide? There could be a few reasons for this. You could be playing a recent version and the guide is outdated, and it was moved elsewhere. If not, perhaps it got bugged and you may need to regen the world's objects. I believe that's a thing.

Always happy to help. If ya ever need anything else, I'll always try my best.

Within the game, if you look in the options, there is an option to locate the local game files in order to easily access the folders for stuff like that. You should be able to find it.