I know that I mentioned my idea for the game going much further than (possibly) originally intended. With somewhere between 10^303 and 10^308 equalling 1 of a new currency and one true disciple being required to purchase True Disciple Meowruto and start the process all over.
As I sit here watching various TV shows and movie and periodically logging into LotCG to refill disciples, I can't help but think further about my idea.
It could become like a trilogy in one game. The first part is almost ended. The introduction to your universe, The Laws of the Cat God explained and the protagonists introduced along with their history.
The True Disciple era, part two of the story could be the eight cats we have met getting more powerful and possibly starting to question the Laws and their place within the new world. Once the currency earned in this part reaches somewhere between 10^303 and 10^308 it can pave the way for the final currency and the final part where the cats go up against Cat God. Maybe the part two equivalent of True Disciple could be Ultimate Warrior or Cat Demi-God or whatever.
Anyway, just thinking.
Maybe get Christopher Nolan to direct the movie.