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* mouse control is tweaked really high -- moving the mouse one pixel moves the controller ten, so that's 40px of space for a 400px playfield; frustrating when accuracy is important and I expect it'd be worse on a touchscreen
* sometimes critters that are the same type won't combine when touching.  Twice I've seen a lvl4 ball bounce off another lvl4 ball, or lvl3 balls resting against each other.  My guess is the physics still assume the "fruit" are circles, but the images are irregular shapes?


Yeah! Sorry about the mouse controls! In testing it was fine but in browser it seems to not work so that will have to go back into the lab for testing!

The fruits are also circles for now, some more experimenting needs to be done as when they were tighter it caused the game to explode and crash!! We'll try get a fix for that soon!