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Really great game. Thank you!

I know you're all working very hard, and you're doing great, but here are some ideas I thought might be a good addition to everything you've done already and plan to do in the future.

Drug Dealer special NPC. Meet them (randomly) outside the River Rat or porn shop at night, maybe sometimes in the restroom of the River Rat. Sells Marijuana (Relaxation>>>) first time, then Uppers (Rest>>), Downers(Composure>), X(Arousal>>, Satisfaction>>) after repeat visits. You can use these yourself from your Stash or with your partners during sex encounters (same as toys). Maybe use X non-consensually (add option to "Buy them a 'xdrinkx'") at the bar or party to change a "not interested" to random other answer (no/limited repeat). After you are a customer, if you go to them with no/too little money, they'll trade for sex or offer to front you some to use/sell. If you take the front and use it all yourself (or with partners), the interest is exorbitant but can be traded for sex (possibly forcing you into prostitution scenario). If you sell some of it in random encounters you can make a small profit. Pay your dealer back and he immediately fronts you more to sell, then the random encounters will get more frequent and profitable. Can later exchange product for sexual favors from your clients. Maybe add an "extra credit" assignment to help in the chemistry lab that takes place in the science building and eventually get to manufacture your own supply. Use the gardening skill and add a place to grow "vegetables" (Marijuana). These activities can only be carried out at night with high chance to get caught by police or rivals, which could lead to game over (kicked out of school, jail, death???).

Another idea, a sibling joins the school after your first year. You have to choose (daily?) to protect their innocence and defend their honor, or encourage bad behaviors and lead by example, or maybe one drunken night mistakes are made and consequences will occur. Maybe when introduced, the way the player reacts changes whether the relationship is antagonistic, mentoring, or idol worshipy (they try to do everything that you do or possible some of the things (people?) you did in the first year). Scenarios of catching one another in compromising situations, helping with studies and possibly helping cheat (when helping professors grade papers maybe), etc.

Just my 2 cents. Thanks for a great game.


Thanks so much! The drug dealer at least is a sure thing, in some form or another... I already have some notes about it :)


Can't wait to see it. Loving everything you've done so far.