Well as a start does it work on your side, if you downloaded the file and run it? cause man I have to disqualify it from voting if it not working, it must work + gameplay video, must have both otherwise it won't be fair to other participance
Yup. I always test games by DLing and running as if I am another person. It works fine like that for me. Also seems to work for commenters. 19 people have rated it so far, so have they randomly rated it :D (it is possible, but I don't think likely)?
This Zanga some ppl are rating without playing games I disqualified some games that their games not working or there is no link at all but many rated just based on the video lol
If it only works for me, I'll happily be disqualified :) Have the judges tried it? If they can run it, it probably should be kept, if not, just disqualify it... This game was experimental, I doubt it would have won anything :D