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I was hoping a standard procedure for reporting a page you aren't actually on could be implemented.

This is not the concept. If you report a thing, you have to know what you are talking about, so you will be at the page where the report button is. Making a new concept will not be done, because there are already two other methods of contacting itch with issues you want to tell them. Contacting support and clicking feedback. Posting in the forum is not such a contact method - this is a way to talk to other users.

From a pragmatic viewpoint, why and where would they even implement such a concept? Put a button next to "contact support"? It is what the admin told. There is need to connect your complaint to the item you complain about. If you have no connection it boils down to writing informally and that is already fully implemented with the contact support button.

Regarding word usage, if you search for clickthrough meaning, you will get that it is an alternate spelling of click-through. And if you search for that you will get this:

An online advertising performance metric representing an individual responding to an ad by clicking on it.

Note, there is only one meaning in that dictionary. I tried another search engine.

the action or facility of following a hypertext link to a particular website, especially a commercial one.

Is this a translation issue? I do not know if there is a catch-it-all term for nag screens. The age confirmation in this case.

I found the forum through the Contact Support page. Just add a button in the Contact Support page for "a NSFW game page is not flagged", context of "provide us the name and/or link", and clarification about when the clickthrough is mandatory (and thus the sort of thing it's appropriate to bother Staff about).

I don't remember when I first saw clickthrough used for a confirmation screen. ("Nag screen" is interestingly new to me.) But I'm reasonably sure I have seen it used for that, in multiple contexts.

Well, I never seen the word, except for ctr.

Your choice of words tickles me again.

There is no "mandatory clickthrough".  The age check is an emergent detail and not the thing this about. You will not get the age verification if you prevously checked it with yes. Or if you have the setting checked to show content marked as adult. The setting will even be ignored, when you select one of the adult tags (like 'adult').

If you want to look at an analogous situation, skim the psa thread about discord scams. You can't report such a page, if you were not the scammed user, since you can't even access the page to click the report button. There will not be any additional contact support buttons, just so people do not have to write the subject of the mail. They still have to write the complaint with details anyways.

To end this with trivia, If there are circles that use the word for the actual confirmation message and not the whole process, I wanna bet, it started as something like clickthrough dialog or even clickthrough pop up.