Hi there, Dropping in to give some feedback on your game. For background, I'm into MMOs mainly, but I do enjoy more puzzle- oriented games such as human fall flat.
Overall, I liked the general aesthetic of the game, And visually I think that no improvements are needed. The UI itself is well designed, and each building is visually unique enough to the point where you can usually figure out what it does without actually having to test it. The progression of difficulty in the puzzles felt good, with each new setting adding a new mechanic or building helping to keep the core loop refreshing.
The premise of the game itself is quite simple, and I enjoyed finding new way to configure my pieces, however there were times when playing (I reached level 26 for reference) where the placement of the platforms could become rather finicky and not satisfying. An idea to fix this potentially is showing a "preview" to how the character will interact with objects, but this could limit experimentation as a flow.
Another small fix I would suggest would be to keep the spinning lasers static until the game enters play, to remove the problem of the player waiting to start their run-through so that they don't prematurely doom themselves.