Glad you found the game to your liking. It's a bit of a janky experience but pretty much everything in it is by design, jankiness included. I tried to keep the combat pretty simple while keeping it somewhat frustrating just so that the player would lose a few times. A good idea might have been including a couple of checkpoints even if the dungeon is not particularly long. Some of the fights can be quite tough. I've beaten the game myself on all difficulty levels without dying so it's perfectly doable. Haha.
Appreciate the suggestions about level design. I'm still very new to all this so every bit helps.
if games like these are your jam, I think you might be happy to know that I'm working on something new. Very much something I hinted in the developer commentaries and you might see a "demo" of sorts before long. I'm particularly interested in emulating PS1 visuals as it holds a soft spot in my nostalgic little heart, so that (or something very close to it) is what you will get for the next few projects.
And more of hot dragons. Lots more.