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A member registered Dec 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you.

Yeah, the game would require a complete re-write code wise and a lot of under the hood stuff that I wasn't really aware of when I put the game together. 

At this point it would probably just be easier making a completely new game along the same style instead of trying to parse any enhancements or larger fixes into this one. Haha.

Sorry, can't really improve on this game even if I wanted to. The code and all the assets are long since gone. Could always make a sequel of sorts with actually good gameplay mechanics. Don't hold your breath though, even if it's something I've been wanting to do for months now.

Hah, thanks. Good to hear you had fun with the game. 

I had plenty of ideas to put into the game, but the time limit was only some 30 days after the Game Jam started, so I had to cut a lot of the things I wanted to include, especially since I was basically learning to code, apply and use the 3D models and use Godot as the game engine at the same time. Most of the gripes I had from that went into the commentary orbs.

The last boss is all about patience really. Her attacks are very easy to avoid if you know what you're doing. Even the ranged fire ball thingies are mainly just there to make the player block or spend stamina needlessly. They can all be avoided by simply strafing left or right. 

I could have paced the fight differently in the end, since she originally had way more attacks planned, but I kind of just ran out of time to include it all in a way where everything blended together in a satisfactory manner.

Any adult themed games I'll be working on in the future will most likely have stuff like galleries etc. if it makes sense to have one. They're not difficult to implement at all.

What really is more difficult to me beyond anything coding related is coming up with ideas that can be made into a game that would be fun to play.

I've prototyped a few ideas ranging from more dungeon dwelling for dragon pussy to survival stuff in the midst of post apocalyptic monsters, but figuring out an engaging game loop is the really difficult part.

Any future projects I'll end up making will have a controller support, if at all possible.

Thank you.

I'm probably not going to update the game any further, but any new projects will keep the data saved so people don't have to keep replaying the game to access any extras/unlockables etc.

Sorry, no cheats. 

Thanks! I'm working on something new, but the progress is kind of slow for now. With any luck I could have something to show sooner than later.

Thanks. Glad you're enjoying the game even if it is quite amateurish.

If you find the "special pedestal" and exhaust all the dialogue from it until you get the repeating dialogue about voices being stopped, you need to beat the boss and go through the credits back to the main menu. 

You then get an Extras menu where you can play all the sex animation scenes again if you so wish. But, since the game has no save feature of any kind for the data in it, if you close the game and restart it, you'll have to unlock the menu again.

Should just be able to unpack the .exe file and run it normally. I can't say why it wouldn't run. Could be your antivirus software is preventing the file from running, could be I've messed up something while compiling the game into an executable. It should run normally on Windows 10 and 11 as far as I'm aware.

It's straight stuff only. No male drakes in the dungeon, no option to pick the player's gender either. Mostly due to the time limit while building the game for the Jam.

Maybe I'll put more options in the next game.

Hit her in the butt while she's down. Aim under the tail.

The spheres are just lore objects pretty much. The rooms don't really have any specific function to themselves beyond hitting the enemies in the face. 

It's not explained anywhere, but you must activate the defeated enemies to open the gate in the second room, if the closed portcullis is the thing you're referring to. A bit of an oversight on my part.


I'll try to make the next game a little bit less awful mechanically. Having no time constraints should do wonders in that department.

Sadly no, keyboard only. I didn't code in any controller inputs. 

Something I'll make sure to include in any future games I might put together, especially since a controller would work very well for this type of games.

Not sure about itch.io, but the game is on Steam, even has a demo now that I checked. You can also find it on Patreon.


There's a hint for it in one of the blueish pedestals. Though, it's not very direct and you can miss it too, since the room is not in the "critical path."

It could be the antivirus software on your system doesn't like the executable and wont allow it to run. That is my best guess anyway. 

All you need to do to run the game is to download it, unzip the package and run the exe file. No apps or anything beyond that is required. 

The game doesn't run on any other platform than Windows though.

No. It should be enough to cycle through the dialogue till you get the message about the voices having stopped. Once that happens, beating the boss and skipping the end credits should do the trick. 

It's always possible though that I've goofed with the code and it's not working properly in all situations. But I couldn't produce any issues with the Extras unlock myself while testing it out.

I should probably mention, that closing the game reverts everything back to default since it doesn't store any of the data in any outside files for later. So if you close the game and restart it, you'd naturally not have the menu either.

Hey, thanks!

Sequel or a remake is definitely not out of the question. I kind of want to make a "better" version of this game once I've gotten a firmer grasp on developing games. I think the idea I had here was pretty decent and not trying to do it better would be a crime against humanity. 

A sequel or a remake would naturally have all the more bling with galleries, sex poses, enemy variety and so on.

I've been prototyping new things, but it's anybody's guess when you'd actually see anything playable here.

(1 edit)

Wild Life (an adult themed furry game) has pretty great looking visuals in that department. 

It's probably got the best attention to detail when it comes to animating the characters during sex in any adult game I've ever seen.

That first image: Chefs kiss. 

Tucked away in a side passage. It's not really hidden from the view in any clever way, but you can miss it if you don't explore the rooms thoroughly.

(1 edit)

Go behind her and hit the butt under the tail. This can take between 5 and 10 hits depending on the difficulty level. 

Generally, if you time the knock down properly and have high stamina level when it happens, you can get in between 2 to 4 hits.

Sometimes she gets up faster and you might not be able to get in even a single hit if you're in a bad position during the knock down.

I had butt stuff planned out for the boss dragon, but ran out of time to animate and set it up. 

But now that you mention it, yeah. It is kind of odd I completely disregarded anal for the Drake enemies. Something that I've got to rectify in the future projects for sure!

The controls are like that on purpose. 

I was trying to emulate playing on older consoles, back when you would have to look up and down by pressing buttons on a controller. Such as R1 and L1 on a PS1. Back when analog sticks didn't exist yet or weren't used prominently.

I just didn't include input mappings for a controller which in hind sight was a bit of a dumb-dumb decision. But personally I think the game plays better on the keyboard anyway.

Thank you.

We'll see what the future has in store as far as making silly little games go. I've some ideas and with any luck some of them might be up here in a playable state sooner or later. 

One thing is at least for sure: I'd like to continue making small horny games for others to enjoy.


Love myself some girl dragons as well!


Slutty dragons have a soft spot in my heart as well. Thought it would make a neat fit for a simple dungeon crawling game. 

This was my first 3D game and I wanted to do it "right," so I put a lot of effort into it, though the quality is what it is. Like I've mentioned previously it was a learning project more than anything.

That being said I did learn a lot and any future games I might put up here will most certainly be better, if not gameplay wise, then technically at least.

I do want to make a sequel game at some point though. Refine the whole dungeon crawling system a little bit, more combat options with different enemies and small puzzles.

Even if her design is blatantly stolen from Shrek, thus not being original to the project, I love how she turned out. 

If I ever kick off the sequel idea for the game, I'll be sure to include her again.

Yeah, the one month period for the Game Jam limited what I could do a lot. I could have probably made the dungeon a lot more polished and thought all the underlying mechanics through a bit better, but I think I did pretty good all things considering. Didn't really help this was my second game project ever and I know almost next to nothing about coding anything. Haha.

The future projects will be more refined now that I know a little bit of what I'm doing. Well, they should anyway. Remains to be seen.

Not everybody's cup of tea, I agree. 

The boss only takes 5 hits to the butt on the Easy difficulty, or should anyways unless something got messed up.

The Extras menu opens up once you go through the dialogue in that one special pedestal, but you have to beat the last boss to see it. No failures are required to unlock it.

Yeah, the game is pretty much designed to be played using the arrow keys with the right hand. It's quite uncomfortable if you try to play using WASD alone, though not impossible.

Mouse look is missing by design, as the game tries to emulate the feel of older PS1 titles where controls were clunky as heck and even looking up and down was a conscious effort.

Still though, I fully understand where you're coming from.

(2 edits)

"Sorry, little mouse boy. I don't know how to meld you a grey butt plug, but how about this coffee to go that I just accidentally summoned out of my magic melding pot instead?"

An interesting idea. There are so many combinations you can get out of just having three different items in the pot. And there's no shortage of items to use as ingredients. It basically turns the game into a sort of memory puzzle. A way to check different combinations you've unlocked while playing could be nice.

It's a fun little game, but very difficult due to the amount of combinations you can have. Some of the combinations feel a bit nonsensical as well. Especially if you stop to think about how a jar of honey, some tarry looking stuff and a piece of house plant makes a dildo, but if instead of the piece of a house plant you add a different type of a jar, you'll get a bottle of lube instead.

I liked the art. I've stated in the comments that I've left for different games a few times already, but I'll do so again: I enjoy simplistic art a lot. And this game is no exception. I just find it all way too charming for my own good.

I liked this one. Card games are always fun and having one with lewd rewards for winning a fight even doubly so. 

The mechanics are quite good and there's strategy involved in which card you should be picking for the current round of combat. Shame the plot doesn't move very far from the beginning, but there's still game to be had here.

The presentation is nifty, the music is very catchy. There's this cabaret quality to it which suits the tone of the game very well. All in all it's a really great start for a fun experience.


Glad you found the game to your liking. It's a bit of a janky experience but pretty much everything in it is by design, jankiness included. I tried to keep the combat pretty simple while keeping it somewhat frustrating just so that the player would lose a few times. A good idea might have been including a couple of checkpoints even if the dungeon is not particularly long. Some of the fights can be quite tough. I've beaten the game myself on all difficulty levels without dying so it's perfectly doable. Haha. 

Appreciate the suggestions about level design. I'm still very new to all this so every bit helps.

if games like these are your jam, I think you might be happy to know that I'm working on something new. Very much something I hinted in the developer commentaries and you might see a "demo" of sorts before long. I'm particularly interested in emulating PS1 visuals as it holds a soft spot in my nostalgic little heart, so that (or something very close to it) is what you will get for the next few projects.

And more of hot dragons. Lots more.

(3 edits)

This is probably my favorite entry of all the games here.

The visuals are very cutesy and silly at the same time. I'm a big fan of simple character designs and every single one of the monster babes looked hot in their own way. I especially enjoyed the tortoise lady and the titty foxy. Lovely!

The gameplay was simple and fun. And even if you fight the bosses much the same way every time, they offered enough variations between one another. The last fight with the Angel was tough. The ricocheting stars would always get me once they started curving out instead of just going straight.

All in all a really great little game. Loved it all the way through!

(1 edit)

Played through the game a few times and I must say. I've no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. Haha. I'm sure there's a logic to the game, but it eludes me. The presentation is nice at least and the music is very fitting for the general feel of the game.

Maybe a short description before play of what you need to do would have been helpful.