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A member registered Dec 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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Yeah. I agree with you. It is quite tedious. Not everybody's cup of tea. Thanks for trying the game out anyway.

(1 edit)

This is a great little game!

Cute art style, some funky roguelike elements and not overly difficult. Just what a game jam needs.

Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed the game.

Yeah, the whole project was a bit of a struggle to put together that quickly. Part of me wants to re-visit the game and build a new, enhanced version of it from scratch at some point.

After a year of learning how to code properly and make "video games" I still find level design to be perhaps the most difficult aspect of the entire process. The YouTube channel you suggested seems to have plenty of neat videos concerning game development overall. Think I'll take a look.

Thanks. I'm glad you liked the game even if it is very crude and hastily put together.

I've no other sites beyond this very itch page here. So if you'd like to keep an eye on when and if I release anything new, this would be the place. I do have several projects on going, but none of them have made it to a point where they could be released as actual games though.

The game's exe file is packed in the zip file. You need something to extract its contents with, such as 7-zip.

Sorry to hear the game isn't working for you.

The most likely reason why the game wont run would be if you're using an older laptop with an integrated graphics chipset. Beyond that I can't really say what's wrong with it. The game runs on my own computer normally.

It's a bit cryptic, but if you haven't already given up completely and couldn't figure it out yet, you need to defeat and smooch all the enemies along the way. There are two gates, the second one allows you to skip one or two enemies. I can't remember anymore exactly how many.

Because she's the best dragon. ~

If you have the updated build, Q and E on the keyboard strafes you left and right. On a controller left stick does the same. If you're playing the old build, strafing is a bit clunky to do. You have to hold down the X key (I think, if I'm not misremembering) and then instead of turning you'll strafe.


Game dev is really difficult, I agree. It's not too hard to make a bunch of separate systems, but putting them all together in a way where they work along or with each other is the most difficult part.

I've slowly been working on something new for the past month or two as time allows and with any luck there could be something new here before the year ends. 

I haven't decided yet if I want to release something unfinished, akin to an early demo or a vertical slice or if I should finish the entire project before I put it out here. 

Guess we'll see.

You also need to find and interact with the special in game pedestal a few times. 

The "updated" game doesn't actually even care about if you beat the dragon in the end anymore (or I think that's how I changed it a few weeks back). The data is saved the moment you go through all its dialogue and after that you can shut down the game and the menu should be there.

You got to hit her in the butt while she's laying on the ground. Jab your sword in there enough times and she'll go down.

The OST for GS goes hard, I agree. Somebody had made a great remastered versions of the tracks and was sharing them online, so I picked a few of my favorites. Sorry it had to be a porn game you finally got to hear the tunes in.

Also, thank you.

So, I ended up patching the game a little bit. It should save your progress now and keep the extras menu for the dragon smut once you go through all the pedestal nonsense.

Now you should be able to keep ogling at the Boss Dragon and Drakes without having to slog through the game over and over, though you still need to do it at least once for the save file to happen.

Have funsies! :D

Sorry, I don't think it's possible, unless you can somehow unpack the game file itself and pick it apart. 

I lost all the Pico games I had made to a HDD failure not too long after I published this one and naturally I was dumb enough to compile the only game that survived online in a way where you can't view the source code.

I think I've got the code and assets lying around somewhere still, so technically I could. Though, the game's written in an older version of Godot so I would probably have to update a bunch of the code as well.

Maybe I'll look into it.

See if I can update the controls to be less asinine as well along the way and touch on some smaller issues nobody has probably even noticed, but which bother myself.

(1 edit)

I've been trying to hone my half-assed modelling skills over the summer in the hopes of making more PS1 style smut. 

It's a pain. 

Been trying to be a lot more authentic to the games of its era, with proper polygon limits and what not. Though I'm granting myself certain liberties for finer details. 

The models in this game are way way way over budget in complexity, hovering around 2,5k polygons which would be more suitable for a PS2 game really. Though, the complexity is in all the wrong places and doesn't show much so I suppose end justifies the means.

Low poly designs to me are about five times more difficult than any normal 3D modeling, especially since so much of the appeal would regularly be in texturing, which I absolutely blow ass at.

The next game, if I ever get any of the prototypes I've got into a playable state, will have better controls. Smoother with support for game pads as well.

Fully agree with you and the rest of the people about how painfully awful the controls are, even if by design. 

I keep firing up the game from time to time and they are pretty horrible to deal with. I'm actually a little bit surprised the controls even work properly since the code for the game is a mess.


I tried to make the animations (even if they are very simplistic loops) squishy and wiggly enough. Would have made them more interactive and such if I hadn't been already struggling for time and figuring out how to "make stuff happen" on the go.

Partly feels like I used up and put all the creative energy I had into the project though. Been trying to refine what I learned and finding it difficult to get the same spark in.

This is such a late reply, but you need to stab her in the nose till she goes down and then circle behind her and hit the butt. Aim underneath the tail.

Haha. Thanks.

Yeah, it's not for everyone. I gave my game a go after several months and damn it feels awful to play all of a sudden. But it's nowhere as horrible as Shadow Tower or King's Field is... well, at least in some regards.


Will do. 

If I ever get off my lazy ass and manage to churn out a sequel, prequel or something of the similar sort worth the effort. There will be checkpoints and more regular controls.

Yes. "I've got BOSS WEAPONS!"

Thank you.

Yeah, the game would require a complete re-write code wise and a lot of under the hood stuff that I wasn't really aware of when I put the game together. 

At this point it would probably just be easier making a completely new game along the same style instead of trying to parse any enhancements or larger fixes into this one. Haha.

Sorry, can't really improve on this game even if I wanted to. The code and all the assets are long since gone. Could always make a sequel of sorts with actually good gameplay mechanics. Don't hold your breath though, even if it's something I've been wanting to do for months now.

Hah, thanks. Good to hear you had fun with the game. 

I had plenty of ideas to put into the game, but the time limit was only some 30 days after the Game Jam started, so I had to cut a lot of the things I wanted to include, especially since I was basically learning to code, apply and use the 3D models and use Godot as the game engine at the same time. Most of the gripes I had from that went into the commentary orbs.

The last boss is all about patience really. Her attacks are very easy to avoid if you know what you're doing. Even the ranged fire ball thingies are mainly just there to make the player block or spend stamina needlessly. They can all be avoided by simply strafing left or right. 

I could have paced the fight differently in the end, since she originally had way more attacks planned, but I kind of just ran out of time to include it all in a way where everything blended together in a satisfactory manner.

Any adult themed games I'll be working on in the future will most likely have stuff like galleries etc. if it makes sense to have one. They're not difficult to implement at all.

What really is more difficult to me beyond anything coding related is coming up with ideas that can be made into a game that would be fun to play.

I've prototyped a few ideas ranging from more dungeon dwelling for dragon pussy to survival stuff in the midst of post apocalyptic monsters, but figuring out an engaging game loop is the really difficult part.

Any future projects I'll end up making will have a controller support, if at all possible.

Thank you.

I'm probably not going to update the game any further, but any new projects will keep the data saved so people don't have to keep replaying the game to access any extras/unlockables etc.

Sorry, no cheats. 

Thanks! I'm working on something new, but the progress is kind of slow for now. With any luck I could have something to show sooner than later.

Thanks. Glad you're enjoying the game even if it is quite amateurish.

If you find the "special pedestal" and exhaust all the dialogue from it until you get the repeating dialogue about voices being stopped, you need to beat the boss and go through the credits back to the main menu. 

You then get an Extras menu where you can play all the sex animation scenes again if you so wish. But, since the game has no save feature of any kind for the data in it, if you close the game and restart it, you'll have to unlock the menu again.

Should just be able to unpack the .exe file and run it normally. I can't say why it wouldn't run. Could be your antivirus software is preventing the file from running, could be I've messed up something while compiling the game into an executable. It should run normally on Windows 10 and 11 as far as I'm aware.

It's straight stuff only. No male drakes in the dungeon, no option to pick the player's gender either. Mostly due to the time limit while building the game for the Jam.

Maybe I'll put more options in the next game.

Hit her in the butt while she's down. Aim under the tail.

The spheres are just lore objects pretty much. The rooms don't really have any specific function to themselves beyond hitting the enemies in the face. 

It's not explained anywhere, but you must activate the defeated enemies to open the gate in the second room, if the closed portcullis is the thing you're referring to. A bit of an oversight on my part.


I'll try to make the next game a little bit less awful mechanically. Having no time constraints should do wonders in that department.

Sadly no, keyboard only. I didn't code in any controller inputs. 

Something I'll make sure to include in any future games I might put together, especially since a controller would work very well for this type of games.

Not sure about, but the game is on Steam, even has a demo now that I checked. You can also find it on Patreon.