Hello! Welcome to Feedback Quest 6! My name's Hythrain, and I'm one of the hosts and streamers for this event! This feedback is being written live on my stream.
I had fun while running around in this. Unfortunately, I didn't get all that far since I'm trying to cover every game, but for how far I got I felt I had a good feel for the game.
There are two main issues along with a minor one that, admittedly, I didn't explore fully. Let me start with those bigger issues first.
Moving around felt very slow. Like, painfully slow. If the default speed was the sprint speed and then the sprint speed was faster, it would make sense to me. However, right now it feels like I'm a snail, which can make diving further in and then trying to get out agonizing. I would suggest giving the player some more base speed so it doesn't feel like a slog to get back out.
I also wasn't a fan of needing to hold J to attack. The game already won't let me attack unless something is in range, so why bother having a command for it instead of making it automatic? If I could attack anytime I want, it'd be different.
As for the minor issues, when it came to buying cards I never got a sense of what was what. I'm guessing the idea is you get a random card of that level, but I feel like that limits strategy when you can't guarantee what you'll get. I also wasn't sure how the permanent effects worked, but this could be because I couldn't play it long enough to try out each one.
Other than that, this is fun and I'd like to see it improved on to make it more engaging.
Edit: Forgot to mention, the audio felt very quiet. I didn't notice it at first until I checked my audio mixer on OBS.