My first impression was that this game looked fantastic! but then I reached stage 2 and realized that all that polish came at a cost. After accidentally deleting my powerups. I figured I would restart the game. There is no way to skip the starting dialogue or lengthy intro, and every time you die, you have to go through all that dialogue again. And while I did enjoy the witty dialogue the first time, it was a lot to be unable to skip . Also the hitboxes are really finicky, and I personally think that when movement is grid-based attacks should be grid-based as well.
All in all, I think the game is REALLY strong visually, but weak mechanically. After I got the combo of 1 greedy and 2 +1 passive range, enemies would instantly vaporize, and challenge was non-existent. I still hope this game gets #1 for presentation though. it looks phenomenal!