Finished the game, nice game with future potential, there are so many things that can still be added in the game and it already has a lot going on in it. Custom Pieces, rooms and a little store to take a break and spend your earnings which also resets the retry to $1, +1 piece steal is OP, the others are somewhat lackluster, I just save for reset fights, but still nice to haves if you don't plan to even lose a fight.
At first, I was expecting the enemies to have AI, but that was just me, depends on what you are going for. In my opinion, AI will make it more like a tactical game, w/o AI will make it more like a puzzle game. I just realized while writing this, it is a weird combination, when using the store, you are preparing for a puzzle, "what am I going to do in my resources so my future rooms can be solved", "am I going to use this piece that I'll be buying" and you don't know what you are going to prepare for, it gives an impression that the enemy pieces are out to get you, but you decide that yourself. I think the softlock issues is part of how it is designed currently.