Indeed a fun way to start out, even though a simpler image would have worked, somehow have the feed of the human hands just worked so charmingly well. I will admit I didn’t get to the end full end (or at least, not with all the features unlocked), after the starting tutorial area it seemed to be less of a storytelling arena and more just obstacle course. I’ll admit to some confusion as which ways were valid paths, there definitely was some good nudges with the signs but I found myself bouncing against walls where I thought the game was nudging me to go.
Also! The camera position made me think of this video - consider adding some “lookahead”” consideration vs the camera being centered. With any forward movement, you end up feeling like a lot of screen real-estate is wasted since you as a player are really only looking in one direction (forward or back), while the character is smack dab in the middle. That prevents your ability to estimate trajectories and makes you more cautious of speeding up. Not really story focussed, but figured it’d help