It might be my laptop but it didn't run the best.
For having "Velocity" in the title, the car felt a little slow tbh. It might be because the camera makes it looks slow but it just feels slow. I feel like this could have been a bit different if you played as something other than a car, which speed is expected for. The visuals sometimes get really confusing too. It sometimes gets way too dark to see anything. One of the dark rooms is entirely red too which makes it extremely difficult to tell if what you're driving towards is a danger wall or not.
Other than that though, this is actually pretty fun! I love the mechanics of having two abilities you switch between. I love how you can drive on walls too! It reminds me a lot of Super Mario Galaxy (A game which I love so much.) The game is ambitious and just nearly misses the mark. With a bit of fine tuning on the wall mechanics, tighter movement, and better air control, you could really make it even more fun!