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A member registered Feb 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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sorry for the late response @loyalcore at discord.

LoyalCore, one of the game developer for this game together with me and Hiroshi

Loyal said it took him full 2 days, he made only 4 kinds of ai even though theres like 8+ enemies

Don't worry about it, its very understandable since its your first game and first jam and its made in 10hrs. I guess its me to blame since im expecting too much from unreal games.

My goal was to leave a constructive feedback for ya

Sorry if i did came out as rude too. 

Glad you liked it! :D

heya,  thanks for the deep review mate appreciate it! regarding the quitting out of the window i don't think its really 100% game's fault? if i remember correctly some of it cause of sticky keys usually and the game still in windowed mode, 

you can fix this by going into the settings and clicking fullscreen and disabling sticky keys this will usually fix the issue. 

Thanks for trying out the game! 

Thanks for trying it out! hope one day you could run UE it helps a lot in making this game development process faster

Oh wow, the game is cool. considering you can type commands and stuff. make you feels like a hacker stuffs.

Though, default text might need to be changed, its hard to read it. 

game is short but its great.

Glad you liked it! im also shocked we managed to go that far in making this. 

I did the player controls, VFX and mechanics in general

hiroshi stayed all night making the map and level design

loyal stayed loyal developing the enemy AI but he forgor to test the ai breakdancing glitch

the grappling hook is a suggestion from one of our friend when we were discussing in our discord the original one sucks. i did some changes using physics and implementing the pathfinder from apex legend grappling suggestions. 

game have a lot of glitchyness and optimization issues tbh, it just doesn't really shows.. i guess thats a good thing for us!

thanks for trying it out!

Game is fun, Controls a bit janky, the earlier levels timing is a bit too tight even for a tutorial, the gun mechanic is also cool to have but a bit annoying since its not raycasted but projectile.. so my bullets doesnt really hit. imo but that mechanic is a design choice 

tldr: game good, need a bit more polishing

thanks for the feedback, uhhhh i added too much intensity for the shake.. ehe

glady you enjoyed it

Fun game, i played 3 levels got stuck on 4 tho

graphics and music is great!

idk how to control the camera. i feel stuck not knowing how to tell my surroundings especially after rewinding and stuffs. 

the rewinding is innovate for me and i like how u play with the flow using the bus and cars

it could be better if u guys fix the level thingy 

glad you liked it! :D   yeah grappling is for every surface its meant to be part of the game

very polished cute small puzzle game to spend time with, its a standard sudoku like game imo, it fits the theme to "unblocking" the flow for a solo game dev you did a great job. 

some feedback i could give is:

-the character cuteness might need some improvement

-the puzzle needs more addition imo like 2 plungerman or events or something it could be better

but overall its a good game! perfect for advanced category.

As a fellow person who uses unreal. i'm not really sure what to say since its not my cup of tea game. some feedback ill give is:

gameplay: too simple and not intuitive imo, its not fun and its just moving and do space bar,

graphics: except for the character model and some models, you are lacking vfx.

innovation: you are toggling the visibility in the char only possibly the char hidden in game, when you are "swimming" you need to add something to notify where u are at least like floating backpack or some water vfx, animations are built-in, like i said before gameplay is moving and doing space bar

theme: its minimum imo but passable

polish: it looks severely unpolish for me

very polished game, cute arts, going against the flow theme, gameplay for me is kinda stale since its just slingshotting with the ghosts in the end.  good game to pass the time

the game is definitely unique, Very difficult controls tho. takes a while to get used to.

art is very cool, 

at first the music is great but it gets annoying after sometime.

thanks for the feedback mate! I appreciate it. Yeah i need to fix the car velocity and handling. There should be a movement on the danger wall textures but i guess i didn't properly check the compatibility in low graphics.

As of now the nitrous is the only notifier of the car speed and accel. 

Thats true, the camera is really janky. submission deadline was near when i planned to fix it ;-; . the car physics isn't implemented 100% too so its a factor to the bad feels in the game too i should have fixed the vector for the gravity and handling when controlling the car in stopped time

Game is a simple sword fight game vs white homunculi mannequins i feel like the gameplay is too slow and easily cheese-able. i also found there is a bugged mannequin that just can't be hit idk if its intended or not. Game presentation in its atmosphere is good. Melee Swordfight is quite unique too.

if the game is a tiny bit faster it will feel like a bit of dishonored. well done

Interesting concept, but game needs to be better for the general controls and interact buttons.

Heya mate, Love your music! i used it on my game here: credited you on the page and in-game.

Thanks for checking my game out! yeah i know that the tutorial is too abrupt. am planning to update it after the jam with proper levels selection and difficulty scaler too. also easier to obtain exc points + shield gating mechanics and damage indicator too. hopefully it will solve all these problems that arises

the game boss is somewhat wonky for me and the obstacles in game works in the bosses favor instead of the player's and for the first boss (ymir) is too tanky too, the game also could use some very short tutorial to help explain the game mechanics too. like the dash for example since the dash actually is directional dash depended on where you look.

while i know that its intentional for the game, the controls imo could do some rework since if you are in the end going to hold down that sprint.. might as well make it the base walkspeed and set the dash to shift and e to make it easier for the player to do the decisive move between getting hit or not.

the animations looks great, artstyle is neat, shooting animation and reload for the shotgun needs to be different like the revolver at least imo so i know that im not shooting.

the game is overall interesting and amazing at building atmosphere and boss fights. art is very cool, exchanging weapon is always a neat thing. controls is fine. music is quite neat

some bosses is rather a bit annoying to be understood, and i was confused when i played it the first time. 

The game is very cool and interesting, quite lots of weapon variety too. the game makes you fight somewhat like a ninja frog that can jump tree to tree and can be flinged away like 100meters ish. the atmosphere is very neat.

This game is very fun, the bosses difficulty is CraftableByYourself too. there's even story too in the game very polished for a month gamejam. also procedural map generation. very cool game overall

its fun, love the storytelling too. bosses is balanced with the exchange. character movement is the only issue i have with this game it slides when i don't want to slide away

Visuals is good but could have some animation.  the controls is wonky tbh i'm annoyed by it. game could use some music/sfx too is it bugged on my end?. im not sure the exchange part of the gameplay either other than the story? but with more polish and maybe easier mouse click. this game would be more enjoyable and chill. (also falcon boss fight is too wonky)

game is good, art is beautiful and complements with the music each boss attacks is telegraphed nicely. story blends well too. but i only have some issue.

the timing to dodge the 2nd vor's 1/2 hp phase is just too tight for me. idk if its bad rng or what but i must go from one side of the screen to the other. might just be my skill issue tho.

controls a bit weird for me. i always pressed W to jump while it should have been SPACE since im not really used to use SPACE to jump on 2d keyboard oriented games. specialability using V is also a weird thing for me feels like it could be the I key or something

glad you liked it matey! ill check out your game when i have the time too!

First and foremost take this comment with grainsss of salt, 

i like the game concept of exchange, its quite fun but i feel like the game could have some checkpoints if it were to be quite difficult like this. and i personally don't have a tool/ability to help defend myself other than the dash maybe the dash could have some iframe to it too?

for me, 2nd boss is way too fast without other ways to defend myself like a heal maybe? im not sure.
i also feel like the music could have extra spice in it i feel like its kinda monotone?

on the otherhand, game's visual cues is good. boss attacks is very visible. art is cute. controls is good

Thanks for trying it out mate! appreciate it

glad you liked it! i'm sorry i screwed up the video for the tutorial phase ;-; ill update that at least after the jam. basically for the railgun you just hold out the railgun, melee the purple ball and right click. (you can spam melee purple ball + right click too) i also forgot to explain in the tutorial that the outer area of the purple ball blocks all yellow bullets.

the art style is very unique, each boss have their own ways to fight and its coool!, bossfight design is well thought. controls is simple and fast. could be a lot more flashy with the character moves too. all in all game is solid and veryy good

Thanks for trying out mine :D, yeah i tried to make the tutorial progressively but unfortunately i was around 20hr before the submission deadline when i was making the tutorial ;-; so i had to place them on the start

Cool polished game, cool artstyle, great bossfights. i kinda feel the hollow knight gameplay vibes a bit. overall good game.

thanks for checking out my game! yeah ill make the parrying to be shown better so people will understand it more.

Thanks for the detailed review Deavid :D appreciate it!