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Thank you!

That's weird, I've never heard of such a bug... I might have a workaround for now though. If you hold Left shift + Enter, then press F2, you'll hear a small jingle indicating that debug mode has been activated. The same combination of key will disable it! While in debug mode, press F8 to flash the screen white. This might fix your issue for now. I heavily recommend disabling debug mode once you're done!

Hope this helps. I'll look into fixing!

Thank you for your quick response. Unfortunately this did not help. I did this before entering and exiting the Biscotti and tunnels and after exiting them in the black screen. No matter the case it did not work.  The fact that you haven't heard of this bug might be because there is something wrong with my Laptop or something. Nevertheless, thank you for the response and most importantly the great game you are making!

Aw shoot, I'm really sorry then, I don't know what could be causing this... Though this does give me a few leads at least.
It might be linked to your laptop somehow, but it's still really strange. I'll do more tests on my side!

If that's ok, do you think you could send me your save file at It should be a folder called "BE_Witches___2024_03_01" in in Appdata/Local.