Thanks for your comment. First, everything you described is by design. Yeah, a box stuck under a saw isn't very nice, but it is not the end of the world either :) Second, you may try to find your way to other places, for example, right from the room with saw-box problem. It will require some tricky spinning though. Good luck!
Oh, you're supposed to go right first? When I restarted, I used two blocks in that first-to-the-right room to block the north lasers, and went north first. It didn't occur to me that I could even go right (probably because of the tricky spinning).
I ended up hitting other problems: the game doesn't stop immediately if you hit a "RRRR" reset point, so at one point I'd managed to drift into another room before things stopped, at which point I couldn't reset my way back out again.
This is the beauty of metroidvania: you are supposed to explore all the possibilities, there is no right (ooh, I'm bad with puns) way, at least it is not always obvious.
Bad collision, known problem. Unfortunatelly, some of my design choises are protortype-drive. I would like to start devlog and improve all mechenics, maybe even adding more. But first I need to see feedback, like yours :) I hope you would be able to finish the game at least once :D Thanks again!
Less a matter of "explore the possibilities", more a matter of "did not register as a possibility". (Even now, after a lot more exploration, I've been finding the details of rotation kind of hard to guess. And sometimes shifting: I got stuck by accidentally getting a square in both sides of GRAB, and couldn't let go of them, and couldn't shift out of it.)
At this point I've got four rooms I can't reach; three of them seem to be locked behind a shape I don't have (i.e., the mirror of GRAB), and the north of the eight-lasers room, through an exit that only PUSH can take, behind lasers that only SAFE can pass. I can't tell if I'm missing something, or if there's another one of these trick rotations that would work.
Well, the last one (row 2, col 5) is secret room, It can only be accessed after obtaining last power - copying. There are last loot piece in it. Hope with all my heart that you will get it.
As for mirror of GRAB - I can't even imagine, what rooms are you talking about. Some of @Doors@ could be opened by Z-shape with box (.::), but no mirrors.
Shifting from Z to I. In several playtest between my testers and me we encountered it twice. Bug, obviously, but it is not easely repeatable, I presume. I will look into it in next versions.
Rotation/Shifting blocks. Do you think point/circle on "main"/center body part will be enough to help? Maybe, allowing rotation both cw and ccw will solve problem? Or it is wiser to implement "preview-confirm" system? Shape module will be rewriten sooner or later, so there is
some time for better planning.