fun fact....the window in your bedroom is broken even after the mansion is remodeled :) (not sure if there is a bugfix page)
There isn't really a bugfix page, I take bug reports wherever I can get them.
Do you mind providing a little more info, though? The Master Bedroom in the player Estate doesn't have windows until the final version of it, and I can't find anything broken (narratively or mechanically) with either of those.
Either that or it's something that got fixed in v0.15 and I can't find it because I addressed it already.
Ah, gotcha. That's on purpose.
After the first set of repairs, the walls stay damaged. The windows will get fixed at the same time the walls do. The windows in the next room over are the same way.
Unless those are fixed and there's no cracks in the walls, but that one window is still broken. If that's the case, I have some bug hunting to do.