Thanks! I'm glad to hear you liked the devlogs. There's a lot of games and not much attention to go around when everyone's so busy. I really want to take the time to play through other's games, though I'm still busy working on an update to the game (the scope of which I fear is already getting too large). Well, your game looks quite stunning, so I'll give that one a go!
Seilburg actually seemed to get the GUI done quite quickly with not much code this time. At least, it was one of the first things he did so it wasn't a worry. Unlike our last few games where the GUI turned into huge time sink (especially for me whenever I tried to help, not understanding what I was doing). As for the title music, I was expecting him to add it to the intro, actually. I think it would have fit.
I'm surprised how well billboarded sprites can work (though I think the treasure chests in isometric perspective are problematic), and think I'll do it again.