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I've played a lot of horny games, and I just wanna say this one is probably one of the best I've played. It's really obvious that there is a lot of passion behind it, even though it's quite short. I especially liked the pedestals that served as a dev log of sorts. The clunky controls were intriguing and it's fun once you get the hang of it. Granted my opinion might be biased because I'm big fan of dragons lol. You beat yourself up a lot in the pedestal lore, but I think you did a great job all things considered.



Slutty dragons have a soft spot in my heart as well. Thought it would make a neat fit for a simple dungeon crawling game. 

This was my first 3D game and I wanted to do it "right," so I put a lot of effort into it, though the quality is what it is. Like I've mentioned previously it was a learning project more than anything.

That being said I did learn a lot and any future games I might put up here will most certainly be better, if not gameplay wise, then technically at least.

I do want to make a sequel game at some point though. Refine the whole dungeon crawling system a little bit, more combat options with different enemies and small puzzles.