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Sorry about that, I do plan on rebalancing a lot of fights. I was pressed for time and ended up making mistakes with some of the fights, especially by introducing too much at once and not properly explaining some mechanics. Fairies in partcular absorb green spells, so you might have been healing her accidentally.

Thank you! There's definitely work left to do. I also plan to add an easy mode eventually.

In the meantime though, the walkthrough does have both general and monsterg dependent tips!


That would explain the fairy then.. well now I know that then.
To notice that when all that is going on is hard. But I understand time limits can mess with things, and seeing from the previous version, things were improved a lot, so keep at it!

And I want to thank you, and say that your activity and communication is so nice, especially when seeing how many other devs don't react or respond to anything. 

So I'll keep waiting to see how the game progresses, and maybe build up the courage and give it another go later on. 

Thank you! I'll do my best ^^
Adding SFX should help making this kind of thing more obvious too. I'm planning for the next update on May 1st to have a bunch of said balance improvements!

And no problem, I feel like it's the least I can do! I really appreciate you reaching out and taking the time to tell me what you think works and what doesn't, it all adds up to make the game better in the end.