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You don't need to thank me x3 I love working with different people :3 Working with others is one of the coolest things about making games cos you get to make something together :D

In all honesty though, it's probably not going to be for a few years at least before I can even start on remaking SR >.< I've got to finish everything I've already started first, and I know it's gonna take a long, long time. 

I need to finish CiQ first, but after that, I've got to finish Darling Duality as well, and that's a pretty big project, so it's gonna take me over a year I reckon x3

I had hoped at one point to show a sprite of Archie in a game in the future, but I don't know if that's going to possible anymore >.< It's more likely I will be replacing Archie with a character that is related to them or something x3 but we shall see I guess!

I hope you are having a good weekend so far :3