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i can't believe this... 3 minutes in and im get called out for taking my time... they're absolutely right though xd.

hooooly this game is so polished and well crafted, insane how much was accomplished in 9 days! this was such a genuinely fun experience all around with everything being so packed with charm and character! this game gives me a lot of "Dr Langaskov, The Tiger,  and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist" vibes and the humor is on par! all the characters are so lovable and personable while some are also endearingly snide xd. i would just sit there waiting for the next piece dialogue cuz it so good (hence the callout). and hearing the "not so subtle" nods regarding how a certain game design decision was handled or how things relate to the theme always brought a smile on my face.

the environment is incredible as well! it looks like a lot of thought was put into how things are arranged to look natural! it looks production ready and feels comparable to existing games like Davey Wreden's other games or Superliminal! the chromatic aberration integration was super cool as well, i like how both the shader looks and how chromatic aberration was used later on in the game.

this was such a pleasure to play, im floored! great work!