Pretty cool game lol
The presentation as a whole was cool. Enemy types were easy to differentiate between and looked distinct
The monster was well animated, let it be the tentacles, or the eyes. And yes, you definitely should check out Carrion since that game was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this lol
But even then, I'd say this is still unique by itself. Let it be the upgrade system or with how combat works
However, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the upgrade system. Sometimes it can kinda screw you over and give you mostly defensive upgrades when you really need offensive upgrades and vice versa.
Speaking of which, the eye lasers seemed a little too underpowered. They really only became useful when I had multiple of them. My winning run had me using only tentacles and a few dashes, so I think some balancing is definitely needed here.
All things considered though, I think this game was pretty damn good for what it is. Great work on this