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I liked the setting and mood, though I didn’t care for the endless referencing. I thought the setup was kinda neat, but I kept thinking that I wanted to know what was actually going on, but felt it was being purposefully withheld from me. So I sorta realised it was going to have a conclusion of this sort before getting to it. Once I saw the ending, it got me to try again and see if picking “nicer” (hardly) choices could lead to a better conclusion, but soon realised there was no avoiding it.

That got me thinking; I feel like what we see in this VN would work remarkably better if it was reframed as a conclusion of a longer project that I actually got to play: the “wanting to try and make things better” part of it (even though that was more Bee’s thing than the protagonist’s) yet inevitably reaching this terrible (lore-wise) conclusion would be pretty amazing if we had seen the escalation of events that lead to this point. That said, as a videogame and not another form of media, it would still make little sense if it wasn’t us, the character as well as the player, that wanted to try and make things turn out well, too.

Basically, this is a great ending to a third act, I just sorta wish I had seen the first two.