Sorry! I was going to add arrows, but those darned keys will end up failing if you press UP+LEFT+Spacebar so I default to WASD controls by habit. I'll try to implement a keybinding system when the jam is over so that people can set controls that work for them. The first room was supposed to teach the player not to face challenges head on, and to try and find a way to cheese past obstacles which is why it was intentionally rough to do it "normaly". the game lacks linearity because its a metroidvania, though the game really did need some sort of map. I do agree that the respawns should have been room based though and the bosses truly are obscenely difficult, when I tackle super month I'll implement an easier difficulty for the game. Unfortunately, this game only has a hard difficulty as of now. At least I managed to set up a working save file system so the game doesn't need to be completed in a single sitting (it just isn't obvious as there is no menu).