Biggest question I currently have is how on earth do those toilets fit through such narrow pipes? Why is nobody else wondering this? Are those how speak up and question the wonders of the assmbly line getting silenced? What shadowy deals with the devil are these bigwigs making behind closed doors!? There must be something aberrant afoot... Open your third eye sheeple! /s
This game is pretty fun. I like that the complexity of your job ramps up and more random crap gets thrown in your way of making money... what sick prick in the assembly line thought it was funny to start sending me ducks and bombs! Felt like there were unusually hard days and then unusually easy days.
I'll also echo the spotty grab mechanics. There were a couple times that made the sound like I grabbed it and then it stayed in place.
I also felt like I kind of optimized the fun out of the game after I found out you can duplicate the bombs in the repair machine and quickly throw it in the trash for cash. I ended up packaging no toilets for days straight after I figured that out. Felt like I was cheating the system... which felt kinda good. Screw those corporate fat cats! I'll make my living entirely off of bonuses instead of packaging toilets. That'll show em.
Generic elevator music for ambience in the menus + silence in-game where only the sound of drudgery and toil can be heard worked nicely I thought.