[NOTE: if you are reading this and haven't played the game yet, ignore this comment and GO PLAY IT, i might just be dumb xd]
you certainly surprised me with that ending xd. i am extremely impressed that this game was made in under a day. the visuals look really good, love the 1-bit style (reminds me of a lot of games but this top-down perspective along with how the little characters are drawn reminds me of Minit the most)! the crt scanline effect also really looks good in this style, especially when the aberrant comes into play.
only managed to get the 1 obvious harddrive in the game, but if there is a way to get the other two please let me know (i only have one brain cell, have mercy)! i only figured out about the trash cans being a safe spot from the monster due to the preview gif in this page, though i like that idea, creates this dynamic of planning out your routes to be able to do what you need to do and get to safety before the monster comes out.
i really liked the visual presentation in this one (the audio also elevated the experience as well), great work!