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wow, this was so addicting! i've always loved character action games like DMC, but always sucked at them xd. this game condenses that genre into its fundamental parts and creates a minimalist game that still is visually cool and also makes you feel cool when playing! saw one of the comments and have to agree that this could work both as a PC/console game and a mobile game! i can imagine how hectic playing it would be on mobile, with a slew of frantic swipe and tap gestures to eliminate your enemies, and yet i can still imagine it being pretty intuitive. when you have a game where you can boil the controls down to a few simple phone gestures, regardless of whether one decides to port it to mobile or not, you know you got a easy to pick up experience that is potentially addicting as hell!

i personally love the simplicity in the player's actions! you can only move, jump, roll, attack, and grab. although that seems really small relative to character action games, it allows for the enemies to be the one to handle gameplay variety, which i think works really well here since the player can just focus on getting better at utilizing the few tools they have at their disposal while being attentive to what new danger enemies can pose. speaking of enemies, there's quite the variety of them and they all synergize with each other really well! the enemy attacks are also nicely choreographed too, which makes each hit they land feel fair, very nice! i will echo some of the suggestions of the previous comments and say that it was kinda hard to get used to jumping with W, but i got used to it (custom key bindings could easily fix this if you choose to continue developing this game). also encountered a bug where the enemy would get stuck to you and be unthrowable when you press the throw and jump button near the same time. other than that, stellar gameplay!

this game's presentation is also so cool! the mix of 2D and 3D elements work really well here, the low poly models and the 2D pixel art matched with the color scheme and visual effects creates this sleek vibe that makes everything feel stylish! even just the camera angle switch when moving to the other side of a focused enemy makes everything feel dynamic and constantly moving, its really nice! the UI feedback as well on hitting a combo is a nice touch! and to add on top of that visual experience comes the audio, which is the spice that elevates the experience to another level (the BGM and SFXs really pack a punch), well done!

had to stop myself from putting too much time in this game, but i had blast! highest i got was B (unfortunately kept mistaking what the Jump button was), but i'll be sure to come back for more after the jam! great work!


Thank you for playing and cool score :)

You're right in that I kept most of the variety for the enemy designs rather than the player lol. Personally, those are my favourite kinds of action games.

i.e  Games where a player has a somewhat limited moveset, but there's a good amount of enemy or level variety to keep things interesting ( eg : DMC 3,  RE 4  etc. )

Apologies for the bugs you faced and also for jump not being on Space lol. If I make a post jam version, I'll fix these issues.

But either way, thank you for playing and for the feedback :)