Hello! Welcome to Feedback Quest 6! My name's Hythrain, and I'm one of the hosts and streamers for this event! This feedback is being written live on my stream.
I like the visuals of this, even if it does add some confusion to what's going on. As a first person shooter, it also runs very smoothly. I also liked the choices fore upgrades, though I was confused why there were upgrades to make it harder. Overall, the game has a good start on it.
As for what concerned me, a lack of feedback from taking damage is the first thing I was against. The first two times I died, I didn't even realize why because I didn't think I was getting hit.
Another thing that I didn't like was how enemies with crystals required you to hit the crystals itself instead of the translucent part. I feel like the whole being should be susceptible, with shooting the gem doing more damage.
I also couldn't figure out what the goal was. Am I supposed to kill the spawners? If so, then the gem vs. translucent thing comes in again. Even if it's a demo, the player needs an idea of what they're supposed to do.
I see promise in this one. I can't wait to see more.