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(1 edit)

An interesting game concept but there is clearly still work to be done.

I ran into a issue where the options 1-7 only appeared for a split second as they were being "typed out" and disappeared completely after. Lili was the first character's name, Amaranth was the child. 

There are also small type-o(s) to look into. There are some on this screenshot on option 8.

If you are currently working on this project, giving each update a version would help you figure out if the bug/issue someone is experiencing is from the current build or a prior one.

One other consideration would be to add a notepad with "how to" controls and general game description/game terms with the download of the game.

I do have some questions regarding the game.

1: Is there a correlation between "year" and character age? Based on my current playthrough, age=year+13. If so, your character could possibly give birth before the age of 16  or after 100+(depending on when you receive a marriage proposal). Or are marriage proposals locked at a certain min/max age(no proposals before age 18 or after age 65, kind of a thing)?

2: Do stats pass down from parent to child and how do stats work within the game? IE: Does sports decrease the chance of being attacked or, if you are attacked, surviving? 

3: Is there a save feature(?) or once you close out the game, that is the end?

I have not gotten very far but I have enjoyed the short playthroughs I have done thus far.

popstat missing text lines

After the first child is born, the text overwrites itself instead of having a wall of text to read. This means if you cant read as fast as the game types out the jumbled wording, you have no chance to read/understand what is going on with the character. Worse yet, the wording tends to overlap or be misplaced making it unreadable.