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really but how do i unlock scenes with students tho

What scenes? If you mean the club scenes, just have them work in the club and they'll slowly start opening. The next update will make the requirements clearer.

yes i mean the club scenes. but does all students have their own personal event per room tho? or per students just have personal events for specific room? cuz all i know is that hermione has personal event on hangout room, olivia has personal event on massage parlor, etc. 


They should slowly become available as you keep the girls working, but the 0.07 update will make it a lot clearer - it will show all the scenes available per room and what's required to unlock them.

And most rooms have general events that are the same for everyone, but there are personal events as well. Not a lot as of yet, but I'm going to add a lot more.

im looking forward for the update then