wow, what a nice spin to the bullet heaven genre, was pretty fun! loved the spiral node system, ordering your attacks to give some kinda of control to the automation is such a cool idea, allows the player to be able to understand and plan out their attack coverage based on their planned out intervals, super neat! i feel like the weapons are useful during different parts of the game (pulsing pain for the very beginning, burning rage for early to mid game, and corrupting sight for mid to late game)! late game has that classic vampire survivors thrill where you can just clear out waves upon wave of enemies, feels super satisfying. wish there were statistics at the end to show how many enemies you were able to kill, would have been a neat touch! also wish that the movement speed was a bit faster, the move speed slows down the general pace of the game by quite a bit.
the art is pretty nice too! i like the character sprites and the enemies, they look very fun! the exp shards especially have that eye-catching rainbow color that begs you to go near it! also its nice to have diegetic UI to relay player information (like how the health is based on the player color, or the level up gauge is based on the center gem color), but in a game like this where its a numbers game i think it would be better to show exact values (maybe an toggleable option for this could work?). also a gauge to somehow show where you're at in the spiral execution order would be great information!
really fun game, i could see this idea getting expanded into something bigger! great work!